RC Part 3

FICTION:1484 (1604 minus 120 years according to the Fama) RC dies.
FACT 1484 Malleus Maleficarum: persecution of witches
FICTION: 1484 "Rosicrucian" brothers begin to work
FACT: 1484 and later: Beginning of a line of Protestant "reformers". - see part 4
                      Zwingli´s and Luther´s birth (last: Melanchthon´s astrological opinion)
          1517 Luther explains his Rose Cross arms (model for Andreae´s own arms)
FICTION: Book "Mysterium": new Axioms promised
FACT: 1596 Kepler, Mysterium Cosmographicum, Tübingen (Sic!) - harmony in creation
            around 1600: Andreae reads Morienus, RCs travels, Keplers book (see part 1)

FICTION: 1604 RC´s grave found, "revelation"
FACT: 1604 Kepler reports a new star, thus revolutionizes the chronology by detecting Jesus´ birth date in calculating the magis´ star year (New Testament).

- to be continued: part 4: Six "Rosicrucian" brothers identified