RC Part 4

The identity of six so-called "Rosicrucian" brothers in brief

I.A. = Iacob Acontius (1492 Trient - 1566 London)
Architect, Humanist, Philosopher, Theologian, studied Law. Patron Leicester. Contact Sidney circle.
printed books. Basel 1557,1565. Reformer (Protestant unity) - refuses communion. suspicion of heresy. "Satan´s stratagems"

P.A.= Philipp Apian (1531 Ingolstadt - 1589 Tübingen)
Cartograph,, Mathematician, Astronomer (Kepler´s teacher Mästlin was his pupil), Physician
1569 Tübingen, Basel,too - refuses Andreaes Formula in 1582 (Kepler refers to the case)
1572 writes about the new star.

P.D= Petrus Dathenus (1531-1588 Northern Germany)
Calvinist, Theologian, Physician, Reformer
Calvinist convents (1577,1578). Henry IV. Kasimir´s preacher (Palatinate)
1562 Frankenthal. Heidelberg 1569. Switzerland. - suspicion of heresy

G.G.= Gugliemo Grataroli (1516 Padua - 1568 Basel )
Chiliast, Physician, Alchemist, Calvinist
1563 Basel, 1561 publishes RCs book Morienus (Sic!) - controversial book about Anti-Christ

I.O. = Ioannes Oporinus (1507 Basel - 1568 England )
Paracelsus´ pupil, Physician, Professor of Greek, famous printer (Atlas Vesalius)
1542 prints RCs Koran (Sic!) Contact to Tübingen (Xylander, Crusius). - prints "heretical" books

G.V.= Giovani Vergerio (1498 Capodistria - 1565 Tübingen)
former bishop, papal Nuntius - Reformer, Duke´s Counsellor, Physician
1549 Basel, 1553 Tübingen - refuses communion. Protestant unity.


May the light of reason assist the reader to reject the

"Rosicrucians" historical claims !